— Melanie Ward, Bodyworker and Shadow Work Coach

“The poweress hour with Hils exceeded all my expectations. It really felt like I was guided through a process, beginning with a meditation to connect to who my ideal clients are, and coming out inspired, fired up and clear about my next steps. I discovered that the work I've been dreaming of doing, is simply a refinement of my niche and feels totally in alignment with the way I want to work and the people I want to work with. You gave me some really helpful practical guidance about how to start moving towards this work. Overall. we covered a huge amount of ground in the session - I can't believe it was only an hour - and I came away really clear on what my next steps are - in fact clear on my next steps for the next few months. I can't recommend this enough, even if you think you're pretty clear on your niche already - I did and this session took it to new levels for me and has reignited my passion for my work.”


— Grace Walker, Therapist


— Sarah Cook, Founder, Come Network With Me